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Thomas C. Rolph, Crew Chief and Project Manager for McCarty Associates volunteers to assist Professional Land Surveyors of Ohio-Young Surveyors Network.

McCarty Associates Crew Chief and Project Survey Manager, Thomas C. Rolph, spent Saturday April 6th assisting a group event with the Professional Land Surveyors of Ohio-Young Surveyors Network. The YSN group hosted a volunteer event to recover 1 to 3 section corners in Hocking County that are related to the Ohio Company Purchase West line. At the time of their setting these stones would have been the furthest extent west of the surveys into the wilderness.


The group met at the Hocking County Engineer’s Office to begin the search for the West line of the Ohio Company Purchase. Also known as the West lines of Starr and Green Townships. These lines were first surveyed in 1788 and were the first control lines established in our area of the Northwest Territory. The original corners the surveyors set were wooden post driven into the ground to mark the corner locations. As the surveyors ran the lines, they noted what are called topo calls when they crossed creeks or drains, ascended or descended slopes, and crossed hilltops. They also commented on the quality of land they went through. (Andrew T. Jordan, PS, EI)



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